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Supermama 是一家位於新加坡的獨立畫廊/商店,出售瓷器家居用品和紀念品。他們與英國藝術家 George Morton Clark 合作推出限量版瓷盤系列。由於盤子的說明性品質,這是瓷器家居用品的新嘗試。這些盤子是在日本岐阜製造的。這些單品是任何家居用品套裝的完美補充,使其在其他產品中脫穎而出,而且質量也非常高。 Supermama is an indie gallery/shop based in Singapore that sell porcelain houseware and souvenirs. They collaborated with British artist, George Morton Clark, to launch a limited edition collection of porcelain plates.This is a new take on porcelain homeware because of the illustrative qualities of the plates. These plates are made in Gifu, Japan. These pieces are the perfect addition to any homeware set to make it stand out from the rest, and they are also very high in quality.


SUI 是一個位於新加坡的慢時尚和可持續品牌。他們的面料是有機的、可持續採購的,並由工匠手工染色(通常是塊版印刷)。他們與 BARE Necessities 合作 - 零浪費 2 款限量版產品 - Everything Fits Upcycled Totes 和 Upcycled Foldable Sunshine Pouch。它們由有機棉斜紋布製成,印花是 SUI 的 Wildflower 和 Summer's day 系列的手工版塊印花邊角料。這款手提袋非常適合您去雜貨店購物,甚至可以在城裡攜帶書籍和筆記本電腦,這款小包與它完美搭配 - 可以方便地放置您的手機和鑰匙。拿起這些獨特的作品,走向綠色吧! SUI is a Singapore-based slow fashion and sustainable brand. Their fabrics are organic and sustainably sourced and hand-dyed (usually block-printed) by artisans. They have collaborated with BARE Necessities - Zero Waste for 2 limited edition products - The Everything Fits Upcycled Totes and the Upcycled Foldable Sunshine Pouch. These are made from organic cotton twill and the prints are hand block-printed offcuts from the Wildflower and Summer's day collections by SUI. The...


Sojao - 一個以睡眠和健康為主題的新加坡品牌,與新加坡護膚品牌 Oasis 合作推出了 3 個套裝的限量版系列。這些套件包括來自兩個品牌的不同版本的流行產品。使用這些套件,將您的個人空間變成自我保健和自愛的天堂。這些套件包括注意床和浴室的綠色產品。這些套件中的毛巾由 100% 有機棉製成,衛浴產品沒有經久耐用的包裝,因此非常環保。 Sojao - a Singapore-based brand whose products revolve around sleep and health collaborated with Oasis - a Singapore-based skincare brand to launch a limited-edition collection of 3 kits.These kits include popular products from the two brands in different variations. With these kits, turn your personal space into a haven for self-care and self-love. These kits include bed and bath- conscious green goods. The towels in these kits are made of 100% organic cotton and the bathroom products are environmentally friendly as they do not have imperishable packaging.


Esse 是新加坡的時尚品牌。與 Made by Mate 合作的是一家新加坡公司,設計由天然材料製成的異想天開的圍巾,以及手工製作的陶瓷物品和配飾。 Esse is a Singapore-based fashion brand. The collaborated with Made by Mate is a Singapore-based that designs whimsical scarfs made of natural materials, and handmade ceramic objects and accessories.


Nodspark 是新加坡的美甲品牌。他們與 Smitten by Pattern 合作 - 一位居住在雅加達的設計師設計了各種有圖案的東西 - 從印花織物、配飾、服裝到家居裝飾品。這兩個品牌合作推出了一系列限量版 Nail Wrap 設計。他們推出的設計是 - Poppy Blooms(成人和兒童)、Paper Land(成人和兒童)和 Periwinkle。 Nodspark is a Singapore-based nail wrap brand. They have collaborated with Smitten by Pattern - a Jakarta-based designer who designs a variety of patterned stuff - everything from printed fabrics, accessories, apparel to home decorations. The two brands have collaborated to launch a collection of limited-edition Nail Wrap designs. The designs they launched were - Poppy Blooms (Adult and Kid), Paper Land (Adult and Kid), and Periwinkle.     
