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清爽的 WABARA 噴霧由活水、精油和 WABARA(滋賀玫瑰農場 KEIJI 種植的原始玫瑰)混合製成,也可用作室內噴霧。 有兩種香味可供選擇:kaolikazali:果香濃郁,如新鮮水果般芬芳Hiyori-hiyoli:像芭蕾舞女演員的芭蕾舞裙,像永恆少女的夢一樣可愛的香味 在WABARA的香味中度過一段美好的時光吧。   The refreshing WABARA mist is made from a blend of living water, essential oils and WABARA, the original roses grown by Rose Farm KEIJI in Shiga. It can also be used as a room spray. Two scents are available:kaolikazali: Fruity and gorgeous scent like fresh fruitHiyori-hiyoli: Like a ballerina's tutu, a lovely scent like the dream of an eternal girl Let's spend some quality time with the scent of WABARA.


Traveler's Factory 與一家在京都以菲林相機為主題的咖啡店/畫廊 Photolabo hibi 合作,推出”Photolabo hibi 卡片尺寸照片打印套裝”,內容包括 Photolabo hibi 卡片尺寸照片打印服務、特別設計的補充用筆記本和菲林(柯達金 200)。拍照後送回Photolabo Hibi,你就可以獲得屬於自己的只有菲林相機才能帶來的珍貴回憶,同時記錄在筆記本中。   Traveler's Factory released a new collaboration project with Photolabo hibi, a cafe/gallery with the them of film camera in Kyoto. The "Photolabo hibi card size photo print set" with the Photolabo hibi card size photo printing service and collaboration refill notebook, and a film (Kodak Gold 200). After taking photo with them film, send it back to Photolabo Hibi and get your own precious memories only can be brought by film cameras, at the same time record them in your notebook.


表参道布團店新品牌 "cover/cover"將你的臥室變成藝術畫廊。表參道布團店以“藝術與睡眠體驗”為概念,推出全新品牌“cover/cover”。作為第一款,與 9 位藝術家合作的羽絨被套將於 10 月 1 日發售。策展和創意指導由 Archicept City 首席執行官 Junji Muroi 負責。 Omotesando Futon Store new brand "cover/cover"Transform your bedroom into an art gallery.Omotesando Futon Ten has launched a new brand "cover/cover" with the concept of "art and sleeping experience". As the first item, duvet covers in collaboration with 9 artists will be released on October 1st.Curation and creative direction were handled by Junji Muroi, CEO of Archicept City.  


Pew Pew patch 是一個新加坡品牌,由 Dawn Bey 和 Danny Kostianos 創立,他們在香港的一所藝術學校相識。Sanrio 是一家日本公司,他們創造了這些現在在全球非常受歡迎的角色。在新加坡,成年人甚至年輕人都會購買 Sanrio 商品。與 Sanrio 合作創建的這套限量版補丁是他們想像的 Sanrio 角色如果住在新加坡會是什麼樣子! Pew Pew patches is a Singapore based brand, started by Dawn Bey and Danny Kostianos, who met in an art school in Hong Kong.Sanrio is a Japanese company who has created these characters that are now very popular worldwide. In Singapore, adults and even young adults buy Sanrio merchandise.Created in collaboration with Sanrio, this limited edition set of patches is how they imagined Sanrio characters would be like if they lived in Singapore!These are iron-on patches.
