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[Japan]洸春窯×BEAMS JAPAN/別注 竹 徳利 緑
像竹一樣以對角線切割、內金外綠的定製陶瓷清酒杯,不但看起來華麗,竹子也被視為幸運符,非常適合作為禮物。 合作的洸春窯,於1943年在京燒和清水燒的主要產地之一的東山區日吉地區開業。第二代利用白底青藍彩繪的傳統京瓷,將中國傳統色彩鮮豔的交趾瓷融入作品。現在第三代的高島真一,則利用交趾瓷技術之一的“一欽”技法,創作出全新的手繪景泰藍圖案風格,融入在各種茶具和日常用具之中。 The custom-made ceramic sake cups cut diagonally like bamboo, with gold inside and green outside, not only look gorgeous, but bamboo is also regarded as a lucky charm, which is very suitable as a gift.The cooperative Koshun Kama Kiln opened in 1943 in the Hiyoshi area of Higashiyama District, one of the main production areas of Kyo-yaki and Kiyomizu-yaki. The second generation uses traditional Kyocera painted in blue and blue on a white background, and incorporates the brightly colored traditional Chinese Jiaozhi porcelain into the work. The third-generation Takashima Shinichi now uses the "Yiqin" technique, one of the...
TAKASHIMAYA × ICHIZAWA SHINZABURO HANPU × SOU・SOU × MIMIYA 高島屋 × 一澤信三郎帆布 × SOU・SOU × 三三屋 聯乘手袋 為紀念「高島屋」創業 190 週年,京都知名店鋪「一澤信三郎帆布」、「SOU・SOU」、「三三屋」,聯手推出的紀念商品!在「一澤信三郎帆布」的經典款手袋上,排列出「三三屋」和「SOU・SOU」代表插圖呈現出「高島屋」的成立年份和創業週年,獨特的來又不失可愛。 To celebrate the 190th anniversary of the founding of "TAKASHIMAYA", Kyoto's well-known brands "ICHIZAWA SHINZABURO HANPU ", "SOU・SOU" and "MIMIYA" jointly launched collaboration products!On the classic canvas handbag of "ICHIZAWA SHINZABURO HANPU", the representative illustrations of "MIMIYA" and "SOU・SOU" are arranged to show the year and anniversary of the establishment of "TAKASHIMAYA", definitely unique and adorable!
[Japan] Kyoto Montsuki x nano・universe
[京都紋付×極小宇宙]擁有100年曆史的染色製造商“京都紋付”,與”nano・universe”再次合作,推出各款既融入日本文化,又可以作為日常悠閒的服裝。“京都紋付”的獨特技術所創造的深黑色使產品更加突出,讓人隨意得來仍然穿得有品味。 "Kyoto Montsuki ", a dyeing manufacturer with a history of 100 years, has once again collaborated with "nano・universe" to introduce various styles that blend in with Japanese culture, while can totally be worn as everyday casual clothes. The deep black created by the unique technology of "Kyoto Montsuki " definitely makes the design more charming and feel good to wear.
[Japan] CUPNOODLE x niko and ... x Stefan Marx
CUP NOODLE 50週年了!為了紀念這一里程碑,品牌將與在日本跟香港同意人氣的時裝品牌 niko and ... 特別合作,推出各款服裝及雜貨。niko and ... 請來活躍於世界各地的德國藝術家 Stefan Marx,設計了一系列有趣又易穿搭的服飾。Stefan Marx 的作品除了出現在各大博物館、藝術展和出版物外,還一直與各個不同領域的公司合作,絕對令人期待! The 50th anniversary of CUP NOODLE!In order to celebrate this milestone, the brand is having a collaboration collection with the well-known brand niko and ... , to launch various clothing and miscellaneous goods.niko and... invited German artist Stefan Marx, who is active all over the world, to design a series of interesting and easy-to-wear clothing. In addition to appearing in major museums, art exhibitions and publications, Stefan Marx's works have been cooperating with companies in various fields, which makes this time collaboration absolutely exciting!
[Singapore]NITECORE X LiiGEAR BP18
新加坡燈飾製造商 Nitecore 和新加坡背包品牌 LiiGEAR 合作打造限量版背包。 BP 18 模塊化背包非常適合野營旅行,容量為 18 升。這款實用的背包具有讓您外出探索世界時輕而易舉的功能。它帶有所有基本必需品。最棒的是,您可以在此捆綁包中免費獲得限量版“Hard to Kill”椅子。 Nitecore - a Singapore-based light manufacturer and LiiGEAR a Singapore-based backpack brand have collaborated to create a limited-edition backpack. The BP 18 Modular Backpack is perfect for camping trips and has an 18L capacity. This practical backpack has features that make it a breeze when you're out exploring the world. It carries all the basic necessities. And the best part, you get a limited edition 'Hard to Kill' chair for free in this bundle.