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複合店形式越來越常見,以「虱目魚」為特色走紅的台灣品牌WEAVISM織本主義,此次推出全新創意合作,跳脫咖啡+服裝的常見複合店公式,與走味大稻埕聯手打造「東區食驗式」,直接把傳統市場搬進店,並推出多種味覺體驗,包括DIY混搭飲品、台灣特色零嘴,另外還可利用聲波、指紋客製專屬自己的單品。 此次合作,WEAVISM織本主義把東區概念店分為Chill Zone、Fresh Zone、Eco Zone、香草植物體驗與DIY配方分享區等六大區域。在Fresh Zone中提供15種原料,讓民眾可現場實驗一杯最新鮮飲品、Eco Zone則可體驗8種天然零食。另外WEAVISM織本主義也與雷射切割機品牌 FLUX(通量三維) 合作,推出生化客製,可雕刻個人聲波、指紋於系列單品中,烙印個人專屬標誌。 Clothing store Weavism and café experience Zhouwei Dadaocheng has developed a new and modern take on an interactive shopping experience as well as a forward selection of products available. This store has divided into a concept store of six sections, the ‘Chill Zone’, ‘Fresh Zone’, ‘Eco Zone’, ‘Herbal Experience’, and the DIY Recipe Zone. Each zone is fitted with a different interactive experience, such as the Fresh Zone, allowing shoppers to create and concoct their own beverage then and there, through a selection of fifteen different natural and raw ingredients.The Eco...


BAJU BY ONIATTA,由Oniatta Effendi創立,是一個專注於蠟染的新加坡品牌。他們不僅希望提供零售體驗,還希望通過他們的產品提供蠟染教育和意義的空間。In Good Company 是一個起源於新加坡的成衣品牌,現在業務遍布亞洲。   BAJU BY ONIATTA, founded by Oniatta Effendi, is a Singaporean brand specializing in batik. They wish to provide not just a retail experience, but a space that allows education and significance of batik through their products. In Good Company is a ready-to-wear brand started in Singapore, which now operates all over Asia.  


Esquire 是一家領先的新加坡出版物,也有自己的產品可供購買。多年來,他們一直在有限的時間內與各種品牌合作。在這款男士健康美容盒中,有5種產品:Grown Alchemist 排毒精華 (30ml)The Gray 三合一日常面霜 (50ml)Jaxon Lane Bro 面膜 (30g)鹽石天然除臭劑 (94g)Bear NOURISH Essential Daily Superpowder (300g) Esquire is a leading Singapore publication that also has its own products available for purchase. They have been collaborating with various brands for a limited time, over the years. In this health and grooming box for men, there are 5 products: Grown Alchemist Detox Serum (30ml) The Grey 3-in-1 Daily Face Cream (50ml) Jaxon lane Bro Mask (30g) Salt and Stone Natural Deodrant (94g) Bear NOURISH Essential Daily Superpowder (300g)    


Razer 是一家總部位於新加坡的科技公司,與總部位於美國的 GUNNAR Optiks 合作。Torpedo X 型號是限量版。它們具有琥珀色鏡片、防污和抗反射塗層。它們有助於減輕乾眼症並阻擋藍光。它配有一個拉鍊盒和一塊清潔布。 Razer is a Singapore-based technology company that has collaborated with GUNNAR Optiks based in the US.The model Torpedo X is a limited edition. They have an Amber lens, smudge resistant, and anti-reflective coating. They help reduce dry eye symptoms and block blue light as well. It comes with a zipper case and a cleaning cloth.Torpedo X will be available later this fall. However, pre-order will start soon.The other models are available for purchase as well.


原創美妝蛋Beauty Blender與Molly攜手合作,在新光三越A11打造粉紅美妝蛋快閃店!並邀請你來吃最甜蜜的限量冰淇淋!10/14~10/27台北新光三越信義A11南大門1F週年慶快閃店期間,Beauty Blender與知名人氣冰品巧克力品牌南投埔里18度C巧克力工房(Feeling18)推出甜蜜派對限量冰淇淋,搭配莫莉專屬特惠組合買就贈,只送不賣,讓你上妝及味蕾同步療癒! Beauty Blender 與台灣南投埔里18度C巧克力工房(Feeling18),攜手推出五款快閃店限量冰品- 人氣經典巧克力、草莓牛奶、抹茶、覆盆子,以及首次推出,莫莉最愛的全新限定口味-開心果,10/14-10/27期間於台北信義新光三越A11南大門 1F Beauty Blender快閃店中購買指定甜蜜派對優惠組合,即能享有人氣冰品,數量有限! 此次最驚喜的就是同步推出超可愛原創美妝蛋造型訂製悠遊卡,全球只有超限量300張,價值$990,內貼心附上$100元優惠加值金額,參與官方網站線上活動以及快閃店消費滿額即可獲得,帶上它一起前往台北板南線搭乘限時的beauty blender粉紅列車吧! Iconic makeup brand Beauty Blender have partnered with Molly Chiang to create the amazing and sweet Beauty Egg collection promotions and Pop-Up Store series! Pop-up Events involving a limited-edition ice cream collaboration, a miniature train set design and giveaways will be held at several different locations from 10/14-11/30. The Beauty Blender Christmas Sweets Party is a holiday collection full of everybody’s favourite winter elements, snowflakes, powdered sweets, ice cream etc. Products include the Beauty Egg Berry Sorbet Limited set, an adorable ice cream cone holder shape with a...
