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Pinkoi 首次攜手風靡全球多年的 Sanrio 經典角色 Hello Kitty推出療癒大人感「Pinkoi x Hello Kitty」全新限定聯名!挑選 Hello Kitty 具代表性的元素-紅色蝴蝶結與蘋果,結合簡約俐落的幾何圖樣,讓設計在具象與抽象之間相互轉換,為日常生活塑造藝術風景!重新設計的 Hello Kitty 除了保留經典三原色外,特別加入中性沈穩的大地色系以及 Pinkoi 品牌色調-「Pinkoi Navy」 及 「Pinkoi Salmon」,增添輕盈明亮、輕鬆愜意氛圍! Taiwanese handmade “Etsy” platform Pinkoi, has collaborated with Sanrio, Hello Kitty to celebrate their tenth anniversary, releasing a series of limited products perfect for the artistic and lifestyle focused audience that follows Pinkoi. This series combines all the elements of Hello Kitty from her iconic shape to the unmistakable red, yellow and blue pops of colour that are so representative of this classic figure. The collection is inspired by the concept “Art of Living” and has presented day to...

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這款清新的玫瑰和牡丹香味蠟燭讓您的家煥然一新,這是 Temple Candles 與藝術家 Louise Hill 的限量版合作款。這款奢華的花香散發出天鵝絨般的香氣,帶有非洲紫羅蘭、佛手柑、檸檬柑橘、茉莉花以及野玫瑰和露水綠蕨的中調。這款蠟燭還有標誌性的 TEMPLE 流蘇,採用閃亮的金色絲綢製成。蠟燭由 100% 天然未漂白棉芯製成,經過適當的護理,它們可確保最佳的香味擴散和最長的蠟燭燃燒時間。 Freshen up your home with this fresh rose and peony scent candle which is a limited edition collaboration between Temple Candles and artist Louise Hill. This sumptuous floral scent has a velvety fragrance with African violets, bergamot, lemon citon, jasmine and heart notes of wild rose and dewy green fern. The candle also has a signature TEMPLE tassel in glittering gold silk. The candle is made with 100% natural unbleached cotton wicks and with proper care they ensure the best fragrance diffusion and longest candle burn time.

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Wolfsloth 是一位新加坡藝術家,Shop of Skatan 是新加坡的一家滑板店,您可以在那裡購買、修理或出售滑板所需的一切。他們合作開發了一系列帶有 Wolfsloth 藝術作品的滑板。 Wolfsloth is a Singaporean artist and Shop of Skatan is a skate shop in Singapore from where you can buy, fix or sell everything required to skateboard. They have collaborated on a line of skateboards that features artwork by Wolfsloth.

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史上最萌的狗SNOOPY再度出沒康是美啦!這次以「SNOOPY 當經典遇上藝術」主題,在居家生活、廚房小物及旅行用品等加入小巧思,有別以往純白簡約感,此次採用撞色感設計,讓SNOOPY看起來更加俏皮可愛,共有3波段推出16款商品,史努比迷們快把時間筆記下來吧!   Lifestyle and Pharmacy store Kang Shi Mei (COSMED has once again, collaborated with Snoopy to bring the beloved character into your home! This limited-edition collection is full of various warm and cheerful designs in the form of many practical products. No part of daily life has been left out in this series, with kitchen items, to the home office, to a suitcase, ready for travel! Some home items include versatile seating or floor cushions with abstract snoopy designs, perfect for a family environment and can be used on a chair, on stools or simply on the floor.The...

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天氣轉涼,不僅服裝要換季,口罩也要換季!在後疫情時代之下,口罩已成為日常穿搭不可或缺的時尚配件,市面上也越來越多醫療口罩品牌推出聯名款及各式花樣,而來自BEVY C.敏弱肌專用品牌結合國際醫療大廠YTG易廷所共同創立的「ONE HEART ONE COVER婦幼醫療領導品牌」,更堪稱口罩界的潮流精品。本次推出兩系列超美款式—Pantone大地色系以及公視強檔劇《TEA GOLD》聯名款,前者療癒又百搭,能營造可甜可鹹、仙氣滿點的ootd風格;後者則以典雅設計展現復古新意的風華! 「ONE HEART ONE COVER」推出新款大地色系列,極具質感超生火!大地色在時尚界多年立於不敗地位,至今不退流行,從Pantone公布2022年春夏紐約時裝周流行色彩中的可口摩卡(Coca Mocha),以及春夏倫敦時裝周中的咖啡褐(Coffee Quartz)、鷹嘴豆泥灰(Humus)、蘇丹褐(Sudan Brown)等可見一斑。 「ONE HEART ONE COVER」推出新款大地色系列,極具質感超生火!大地色在時尚界多年立於不敗地位,至今不退流行,從Pantone公布2022年春夏紐約時裝周流行色彩中的可口摩卡(Coca Mocha),以及春夏倫敦時裝周中的咖啡褐(Coffee Quartz)、鷹嘴豆泥灰(Humus)、蘇丹褐(Sudan Brown)等可見一斑。戴上後除了凸顯個人的精緻品味和文藝浪漫,更能搭配時裝,展現古典美與當代潮流碰撞出的獨特氣質! One Heart One Mask has collaborated with the hit TV Drama Series, Tea Gold to release a special limited-edition collection of five different face masks for the Autumn Season. These masks are designed to match the tone of the historical drama ‘Tea Gold’, pairing the aesthetic and golden glory of the age of Tea and the dramatics of a wealthy dynasty to complete an elegant but modern-day wardrobe. This collaboration has taken into consideration the fashion trends as well as...

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