聯乘二三事 RSS
[Japan] uka X PLUIE
uka 於 2021 年 10 月 28 日(星期四)與珠寶品牌 PLUIE 合作發布限量新指甲色“uka pluie study”。 uka的“study”系列是將眾多顧客的研究成果按照主題融入指甲顏色的系列。與作為「Study」新作登場的 PLUIE 合作,瓶子上設計加入 PLUIE 的鹿角標誌,根據周圍環境的顏色開發出全部三種指甲顏色。 uka為日本專業沙龍及美甲品牌,為擁有超過20年美甲經驗的uka會長暨沙龍首席美甲師渡邉季穂所創立的獨立品牌。 uka released a limited number of new nail colors "uka pluie study" in collaboration with jewelry brand PLUIE from October 28, 2021 (Thursday). uka's "study" series is a collection that incorporates the research results learned from many customers into nail colours according to the theme. In collaboration with PLUIE, which will appear as a new work of "Study", all three nail colours created from the colours surrounding the environment will be developed. The bottle has the Antler mark, which is the icon...
[Japan] Gion Tsujiri x Kyoto Shabonya
祇園辻利與天然材料肥皂工作室“京都Shabonya”合作推出的抹茶潤唇膏,採用為紀念平安首都1200週年而推出的抹茶“建國之昔”,融合“油茶”種子中提取的油分,不但滋潤嘴唇,更散發出抹茶的清新香味。 Gion Tsujiri cooperated with natural material soap studio "Kyoto Shabonya" to launch a special matcha lip balm. It uses matcha "the founding of the country" launched to commemorate the 1200 anniversary of the capital of Heian, and combines the oil extracted from the seeds of "camellia", allowing you to moisturise your lips while enjoying the fresh scent of matcha.
[Singapore] Daniel Boey x Binary Style
Daniel Boey 與 Binary Style 最近合作推出了一條限量版圍巾,藉此宣傳他的新書'We Adopted: A Collection of Dog Rescue Tales'. 圍巾採用優質的雪紡布料製成,而寵物的圍巾則由 100% cotton製成。這次聯乘希望帶出表達對寵物的愛,同時支持大家領養救援犬。 Recently, Daniel Boey’s collaborated Binary Style to create a limited-edition scarf to support his new book 'We Adopted: A Collection of Dog Rescue Tales'. The scarf is made with high quality chiffon polyester and the scarf for your furry friend is made from 100% cotton. Show some love to your furry friend by getting matching scarves for yourself and them and support the adoption of rescue dogs.
[Singapore] Kult Studio & Gallery x Design & Print International
新加坡畫廊Kult與其本地製作公司DPi - Design & Print International合作推出限量版的CAP帽。主要目的是想將世界各地的街頭藝術家的藝術轉化為可穿戴的設備,推動藝術和時尚的界限。限量CAP帽充滿街頭藝術元素,既能加入日常配搭mix&match,更能拉近藝術和時尚的距離。 Get your hands on these limited-edition snapback caps by Kult Kollab, made in collaboration with DPi (Design and Print International). The main aim of Kult Kollab is to translate art from street artists around the world into wearables, pushing the boundaries of art and fashion. These pieces add an element of art to your wardrobe and are statement pieces that will make you stand out from the rest. Support the brand’s cause of helping street artists translate their work into wearable pieces. Push the boundaries of art and fashion when you accessorize your look...
[Singapore] Med Kärlek x Curious Creatures
Med kärlek Inc最近與Curious Creatures合作,推出了一系列禮品套裝。用這兩個品牌的不可思議的禮品套裝送給你愛的女人。每套禮物由不同設計的指甲包和禮品卡組成。卡片是手繪製成的。在這個困難疫情時期,給你的親人帶來一些歡樂和笑聲,不管是你的媽媽、姐姐還是閨蜜。讓他們盡情享受被照顧的感覺,並讓他們感到你的愛。 Med kärlek Inc has collaborated with Curious Creatures recently to launch a collection of gift sets. Gift the women you love with this incredible gift set these two brands. Each set consists of nail wraps and gift cards in various designs. The cards are hand-painted and digitalized. Bring some joy and laughter to your loved ones, be it your mom, sister, or BFF during these hard times. Indulge them in self-care and make them feel special and loved.