[Taiwan]TYS Sunstar x TIMES Literature x BAIWEI COFFEE

[Taiwan]TYS Sunstar x TIMES Literature x BAIWEI COFFEE


合作還包括一個文學咖啡杯,一個品牌的傳統陶瓷杯,上面覆蓋著不同的文學經典語錄、句子和發人深省的作品。在許多與咖啡有關的引用和摘錄中,歷史上的作家寫在詩歌或故事中;展示的最大的摘錄是“我用咖啡勺衡量了我的生活”以及英國著名詩人 1915 年出版的《J.Alfred Prufrock 的情歌》中的“我用咖啡勺衡量了我的生活”, TS艾略特。優雅地表達了這個項目背後的想法,這個杯子是完美的談話啟動器和日常生活中的一小部分,提醒我們每天周圍的所有語言、觀點和想法。


“不要攪散咖啡中的溫暖;喝吧。” ——凱特·肖邦


“啊,那是我喜歡的香水;當他們在我家附近烤咖啡時,我趕緊打開門吸入所有的香氣。” ——讓·雅克·盧梭


42年來,時代文學為非凡人才提供了平台和舞台,百味咖啡擁有SCA專業烘焙師和釀酒師團隊,在精品咖啡大賽中贏得國際咖啡競標者。在這個項目上沒有更好的合作可以注入和帶給你,只有最優秀的文學形式和咖啡。 TYS Sunstar、時代文學和百味咖啡希望讓咖啡和一本書的理念為人們的家帶來舒適和儀式感。

配置文件:香氣 8.2,酸度 6,回味 8.5,酒體 7

主題和風味簡介:自由散文 - 看,陽光就像散落的珍珠。精華滿溢
配置文件:香氣 7.8,風味 7.8,酸度 5,回味 8.3,醇厚 8


味道: 橙子,帕斯

TYS Sunstar, a team who brings creative projects to life- comes into collaboration with the Times Literature Award and Baiwei Coffee, creating the “TYS Super Coffee Double Champion Gift Collection”. This collaboration begins as a sponsored project, hoping to revive the passion and appreciation for both coffee and literature. The combination and pairing of coffee and literature is one of the small but precious pleasures of life. This project hopes to open eyes to Taiwan’s Local Literature, Coffee and the fantastic combination of the two, experiencing the flavours of life.

The collaboration also includes a Literary Coffee Mug, a branded traditional ceramic mug covered with different literary classic quotations, sentences and thought-provoking writings. Amongst many quotes and excerpts related to coffee and written in poems or stories by writers throughout history; the largest displayed excerpts are “I have measured out my life with coffee spoons” as well as “I measured my life with a coffee spoon” from ‘The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock’, published in 1915 by the renown British Poet, T.S Elliot. Elegantly expressing the idea behind this project, this mug is the perfect conversation starter and a small piece in daily life, a reminder of all the languages, perspectives and ideas that surround us each and every day.

Some other quotes and excerpts engraved include:

“Don’t stir away the warmth out of your coffee; drink it.” – Kate Chopin

“Coffee makes us more solemn, more grave and more philosophical.’ – Jonathan Swift

“Ah, that is the perfume in which I take delight in; when they roast coffee near my house, I hasten to open the door to take in all the aroma.” – Jean Jacques Rousseau

The coffee bean roasts are sourced from Zhuowu Mountain Coffee Farm, situated in the clouds at 1,200 meters in the mountains of Alishan, Chiayi. These beans are grown naturally and comfortably with space to roam and flourish. This is an environment where the temperature is at extreme opposites night and day, cultivating the depth and richness of the bean. After harvesting the beans, Zhuowu Farm uses a unique method of rinsing the beans with low temperature wild natural spring water. This one detail, is an additional 80-108 hours longer than the typical methods used to wash beans and it is because of these painstakingly caring and thoughtful methods that Zhuowu Farm is able to create the gentle, mellowing caressing flavours fit to represent Taiwan’s coffee on an international scale. Additional beans added to the Zhuowu Roasts for depth and a unique palate in this project are also sourced from places such as South America, Central America, Africa and Asia.

Time Literature has provided a platform and stage for extraordinary talent for 42 years and Baiwei Coffee has a team of SCA Professional Roasters and Brewers, winning the International Coffee Bidders in Specialty Coffee Championship. There is no better collaboration on this project to infuse and bring to you, only the most excellent forms of literature as well as coffee. TYS Sunstar, Time Literature and Baiwei Coffee hope to allow the idea of coffee and a book to bring comfort and a sense of ritual into people’s homes.
Following the idea of New Poems, Prose, Film, Television Novel and Newspaper Literature as the four Literary Award theme, this collection is a selection of unique and exclusively flavoured beans. Roasted to pair with the scent and emotions based off of these Literary themes, the collection is also cleverly thought through, mimicking books and designed as “A Collection of Winning Works of the 42nd Times Literature Awards”.

Theme and Flavour Profile: New Poetry – Refreshing Connections and Surrounded by Fragrance
Flavour: Jasmine, Peach, Longan, Earl Grey
Profile: Aroma 8.2, Acidity 6, Aftertaste 8.5, Body 7
Origins: Zhuowu Mountain, Alishan Township + Asia + Africa
A sweet and refreshing poem of jasmine fragrance, paired with the heady scent of coffee. This roast is similar to an aromatic Earl Grey tea with well rounded palate. Sweet and peachy, followed by a note of longan fragrance, this roast is akin to the idea of spring and poetry, a symphony of flowers and butterflies and the soft emotion of a modern poem.

Theme and Flavour Profile: Free Prose – Look, the Sunshine is like a Scattering of Pearls. Overflowing with Essence
Flavour: Nuts, Creams, Sugar
Profile: Aroma 7.8, Flavour 7.8, Acidity 5, Aftertaste 8.3, Mellowness 8
Origins: Zhuowu Mountain, Alishan Township + South America

This roast is not a floral profile but instead a strong and warm aroma, reflecting the personality and flow of a free prose; accompanied by the taste of cream melting under the sun. The flavour of sugar is hinted with a pattern of nuttiness, blending seamlessly to create a velvety texture, leaving an aftertaste that is soothing and smooth.

Theme and Flavour Profile: Film and Television Novels – Emotions of Joy, the Mundane and Sorrow. Life is of many flavours
Flavour: Orange, Passion Fruit, Stone Fruit
Profile: Aroma 7.5, Flavour 7.5, Acidity 7, Aftertaste 8.1, Mellowness 7
Origins: Zhuowu Mountain, Alishan Township + Africa

A cup of this roast will greet the sense with a citrus scent that fills the mind. Like the intense and wild story of a novel, this flavour sweeps away the leading note before returning back to a calm and natural taste. Beginning with a nutty aroma, the sweet and sour tartness of passion fruit lingers on the tongue. The milky note of a nutty aroma follows, allowing for a soothing up and down rhythm, such as the rhythm of life and the memories made.

Theme and Flavour Profile: Reporting and Literature Documentary Photography
Flavour: Chocolate, Cocoa, Caramel
Profile: Aroma 7.8, Flavour 7.8, Acidity 5, Aftertaste 8.5, Mellowness 8
Origins: Zhuowu Mountain, Alishan Township + Central America

Every aspect of life can be documented in a cup of coffee, a bit bitter and keeps the mind awake. But like in life, there are the chocolate notes, rich and full of flavour. The taste of this roast hints at the sweetness of life in the gentle form of caramel, smoothly glossed with the thick and mellow cocoa flavour and the wonderful bitterness of coffee.