[Singapore]Heartakarun x Lady N Jewelry

[Singapore]Heartakarun x Lady N Jewelry

Heartakarun 是一家總部位於新加坡的品牌,專注於與當地工匠合作打造限量版手工蠟染作品,並與 Lady N Jewelry 合作。它們也是位於新加坡的獨立現代配飾品牌。這兩個品牌推出了多款限量版珠寶以及一號和服。他們推出了罌​​粟藝術項鍊、罌粟藝術胸針和蕨葉胸針,作為該系列珠寶的一部分。他們還推出了三種顏色的和服:普魯士藍、香檳色和綠色。

Heartakarun, a Singapore-based brand that focuses on collaborating with local artisans to create limited edition artisanal batik pieces, has collaborated with Lady N Jewelry. They are an independent, contemporary accessories label based in Singapore as well. The two brands have launched several limited edition jewelry pieces as well as one-size kimonos. They have launched the Poppy Art Necklace, Poppy Art Brooch, and Fern Leaf Brooch as a part of the jewelry in this collection. They have also launched the Kimono in 3 colors: Prussian Blue, Champagne, and Green.Heartakarun.