[Japan] MAKOTO KAGOSHIMA X romi-unie
鹿兒島睦與 romi-unie 合作製作的烘焙糖果禮物已於 10 月 13 日起發售!
以鹿兒島睦繪製的插圖設計的禮品盒,裝滿romi-unie可愛又美味的烘焙食品、果醬和茶等食品, 不但能讓下午茶時光變得更加愉快,作為禮物使用也極具吸引力。
Baked candy gifts made by MAKOTO KAGOSHIMA and romi-unie will be on sale from October 13th!
The gift box designed with illustrations drawn by MAKOTO KAGOSHIMA, filled with romi-unie cute and delicious baked goods, jams, tea and other foods, not only makes the afternoon tea time more enjoyable, but also very attractive as a gift.