[Singapore] Daniel Boey x Binary Style
Daniel Boey 與 Binary Style 最近合作推出了一條限量版圍巾,藉此宣傳他的新書'We Adopted: A Collection of Dog Rescue Tales'. 圍巾採用優質的雪紡布料製成,而寵物的圍巾則由 100% cotton製成。這次聯乘希望帶出表達對寵物的愛,同時支持大家領養救援犬。
Recently, Daniel Boey’s collaborated Binary Style to create a limited-edition scarf to support his new book 'We Adopted: A Collection of Dog Rescue Tales'. The scarf is made with high quality chiffon polyester and the scarf for your furry friend is made from 100% cotton. Show some love to your furry friend by getting matching scarves for yourself and them and support the adoption of rescue dogs.